Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Sillies

Since our little chatter box has begun to make sentences that you can understand instead of alien talk, we wanted to document some of the rather silly things that she says/does.  We want to be able to remember the details in the daily memories with our sweet girl.

One of Raleigh's favorite new toys is Wiggles the worm (I think you may have seen a picture in an earlier post).  The other night when we were having a picnic on the floor, Raleigh felt it was very important to go and give Wiggles a visit.  She then pretended to feed him some of her food, patted him on the head, and told him, "No problem, Merry Christmas Wiggles."
We have started to try to encourage Raleigh to tell us when she needs a diaper change.  The other day I asked her if she needed a diaper change, she then quickly replied, "No thanks."  I asked her again if she needed a diaper change (The whole neighborhood could smell that she needed a new diaper) or if she was lying.  She looked at me somewhat puzzled and then...roared!!  Then she said, "Yes mommy, I Lion!!"
Poor Titus!!  He puts up with so much lately from Raleigh.  She feels that she has the total right to boss him around and that he must listen to her.  Since putting her swing set up, she likes to tell him to sit, makes him stay, and tells him to watch her slide.  It is a pretty funny sight seeing a dog listen to a one year old.  Like I said, poor Titus!!
We are trying to limit our "love" given to piggy by keeping him in the bed just for naptime.  So far, we have been pretty successful (except for school days).  The other day when we were on a walk, Raleigh began to ask for piggy.  We began to explain that he was doing "piggy things" and that he would be waiting for her when it was time to take a nap.  She then looked at us very seriously and asked, "Is piggy swimming?"  We were a little bit caught off guard, so we replied a hesitant "Sure."  She then asked further, "And is piggy playing with Frostie?"  I guess "piggy things" could include playing with Frosty the Snowman and swimming???

1 comment:

Colin and Nickolas said...

you have a interesting blog wana follow each other?
my blogs movie reviews and stuff =]
also cute kid xD