Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Jesus!

One of our family traditions is celebrating Jesus' birthday.  We bake cupcakes, sing "Happy Birthday," and open one birthday present (new pajamas).  We normally do this on Christmas Eve, but we were running a little behind, so we did it yesterday.  Raleigh was such a great helper.  We have a video of her singing and telling baby Jesus, "Happy day, Jesus!!"  As soon as we can get that uploaded we will.

Raleigh helping bake the cupcakes.

Miss Independent icing the cupcakes!

Choosing the right color sprinkles is a must!!!

Blowing out the candle.


Enjoying cupcakes with Daddy!!

Our tower of birthday cupcakes.


Lainey-Paney said...

What a wonderful tradition!

Giuseppe said...

Hello, this is a really good blog.
My blog is this: