Sunday, November 08, 2009


Raleigh has always had a "buddy" that she has stuck to like glue.  She has always been very tactile and feels everything with her hands, feet and tongue.  Since touch and feel has always been important, the first buddy she had was the Lamb in her baby bed, then she quickly moved on to Lion who had a funny feeling mane.  She has stuck with Lion for a long time until she met her new B.F.F at Kohl's.  We walked in to do a little shopping and she spotted pig.  At that time she proceeded to toss Lion across the store and scream in excitement over pig!  Poor Lion!  Pig belongs to part of the books with "If you give a mouse a cookie" series.  I bought the pig and the book that went with it to try to justify buying a stuffed pig that is the size of my child.  Since that wonderful day, it has been a match made in heaven!  Raleigh loves has truly been a lifesaver some days.  To this day she still gets excited when she looks at pig...we don't take it personally around here.  I have since gone and bought several "backups" just in case pig gets lost or destroyed.  I never thought I would say this, but around here...WE LOVE PIGS!

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