Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Two things that make me sad!

These two pictures truly make me want to cry. What they are forcing me to see is that we don't have a baby anymore, but our sweet little girl is growing up so fast. Almost nine months! Where in the world did the time go? We are excited about the future, but sad to be reminded of how fast time is going by. Sad, Sad, and more Sad at this house!
Raleigh is such a big girl sitting in her highchair eating a snack...check out that sippie cup!
I know this is weird, but the baby on her diapers is not a baby anymore, but a toddler!

A Weekend with Grammy and Pappy

The last weekend in October...Grammy and Pappy came to visit! It was so fun! Our plans of going to the zoo were cancelled due to the crazy Texas weather, but we had a great time anyway. Raleigh was a big fan of Grammy, but an even bigger fan of Pappy...it kind of surprised us all! It is always great to see family. Raleigh is still looking up the stairs when we sit on the couch (waiting and looking for Grammy and Pappy to come down the stairs and play with her). We can't wait to see you guys soon.
Raleigh's pretty new clothes from Grammy and Pappy
She really enjoyed the bag it came in just as much as the clothes!
She has officially abandoned all of her toys to play with the gift bag!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Our cute little bumble bee!!

This Halloween Raleigh was a bumble bee...and quite a cute one!  We now have trouble getting her to smile at the camera, she is actually quite confused by what in the world a camera is.  The only time she would smile was when she got a chance to eat the baby pumpkins...what a handful she truly is!
All she wanted to do was eat those baby pumpkins!
Tasty pumpkins!


Raleigh has always had a "buddy" that she has stuck to like glue.  She has always been very tactile and feels everything with her hands, feet and tongue.  Since touch and feel has always been important, the first buddy she had was the Lamb in her baby bed, then she quickly moved on to Lion who had a funny feeling mane.  She has stuck with Lion for a long time until she met her new B.F.F at Kohl's.  We walked in to do a little shopping and she spotted pig.  At that time she proceeded to toss Lion across the store and scream in excitement over pig!  Poor Lion!  Pig belongs to part of the books with "If you give a mouse a cookie" series.  I bought the pig and the book that went with it to try to justify buying a stuffed pig that is the size of my child.  Since that wonderful day, it has been a match made in heaven!  Raleigh loves pig...it has truly been a lifesaver some days.  To this day she still gets excited when she looks at pig...we don't take it personally around here.  I have since gone and bought several "backups" just in case pig gets lost or destroyed.  I never thought I would say this, but around here...WE LOVE PIGS!

Dear Logan and Karly,

Thank you so much for coming to Houston to see me and spend time with me.  Logan, I had so much fun sliding down the slide with you...even though it was a little bit scary because it was my first time!  Karly, I had so much fun playing with you.  You always make me smile.  I also had an awesome time going to the movies with my big cousins...I don't remember much because I was sleeping, but the 3D glasses are really cool!  I can't wait to see you guys soon!

The Deck

Since moving into our new home, we have yet to be able to get a car into the garage.  The other day Clint said that he wanted to get a ping pong table (for the small village of high school kids that come to our house weekly, of course) for the garage.  At this point we still had all of our outside furniture, grill, etc. in the garage because we hadn't decided what to do with our backyard.  The decision was made that no ping pong table would enter our garage unless some other items left.  So Clint and his brother got to work.  They designed a deck that I approved and their dad would be proud of.  A couple of weekends ago, Keenan and his family came down to help build the deck.  In ONE weekend, those boys built an amazing deck!!  Thank you Keenan for all of your hard work.  Thank you Anne for giving up your husband and weekend for us!  You should see this thing...it just might make you pee in your pants!  Check out the slideshow.

Sick of being sick!

We are sick again!!  Good grief!  Over the past couple of months we have all been sick, especially Raleigh.  Poor baby Raleigh, but we think we are on the road to recovery.  Over the past two months she has had; a virus, a cold, an ear infection, bronchitis, a bacteria infection in her blood ( which put her in the hospital), and now an upper respiratory infection.  We are sick of being sick!  We know that the company boogie wipes will miss our money, but we are ready to get better in this house!  
Look at those sad sick eyes!