Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The many faces of Raleigh

Since the beginning, Raleigh has shown many emotions.  Some might call her a "drama queen."  She has begun to smile, talk, laugh and coo.  She also is very good at sticking out her bottom lip and pouting.  Recently, we went in for her 2 month doctor's appointment, and we saw many of Raleigh's faces in a short amount of time.  I had finished feeding her and she and I were sitting waiting for the nurse to come in a give her 5 shots.  She was smiling and talking to me 
and the nurse.  The nurse began to give her shots...and her face quickly changed.  It was really hard to watch Raleigh turn that shade of purplish-red and scream, but it was over soon.  To the nurse's defense, she worked very quickly and did a great job.  To Raleigh's defense, as soon as the shots were over and I was able to pick her up, she stopped crying and she was asleep by the time I got her to the car.  In the pictures you can see how her precious legs were covered in band-aids and how extremely tired she was (with a little bit of help from a friend named tylenol).  It was a dramatic day for our sweet "drama queen."

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh the dreaded shots!!! Those are always so hard for us moms to endure--probably harder for us than them. :) Raleigh looks like she's getting so big!