Many times I often wonder, "where has our week gone?" We always seem soooo busy!!! I decided that periodically we would document what we do on a daily basis so that we can look back and see what in the world we did when Raleigh was 2 years and 5 months and still waiting on Thad's arrival! Sorry for the mundane, and we won't disown you if you skip over these posts. Ha!!
OK, so here we go!! On Monday morning Clint got up early and went for a run. He is training for his first marathon that he will run in December. I was so proud of him running while I continued to sleep on the couch :) I have started to sleep on the couch a lot because for some weird reason it is the only place that I can lay down without Thad pretending to play soccer inside my stomach! After Clint got back, we normally spend the morning getting ready, eating breakfast, having quiet times, etc.. Since Raleigh needs her beauty sleep for about 11-12 hours a night (no matter what time she goes to bed), I was going to let her sleep in a little bit. Sleeping beauty had to get up a little bit earlier because we had to take daddy to work (his car is in the shop). So we took daddy to work and came home to get ready for baby Thad's Dr. appointment. We try to keep doctor appointments on Friday because that is Clint's day off and (especially with baby appointments) it gives him the chance to come to/help with doctor appointments. We switched this appointment last minute and Raleigh girl and I were on our own. We went to the doctor and Raleigh did fantastic!! She had no desire to sit with me, but sat in a chair in the room. The whole time during the check up she constantly reassured me that everything was going to be OK and that she would protect me!! Such a funny and sweet girl!! After our appointment, we were going to run some errands, but we got out of the office much later than expected, so we decided to go get daddy and take him to lunch. After lunch Raleigh and I headed home (it was close to nap time). She took a nap, I tried to lay down but got sick (thanks baby Thad). When Raleigh got up we played in the playroom and I tried to get a few things done while we waited for daddy to get home for dinner. Clint gets home at a different time every night, so we just play everything by ear. He called around six to politely remind us that his car was in the shop! We were so busy doing our thing that the thought didn't cross our minds to go get daddy. We quickly went and got daddy and came home and had a picnic dinner while we tried to catch up on lots of hours of So you think you can dance that is on the dvr. After that we went on a family walk, got Raleigh ready for bed, and called it a day.
Here is a short video of her trying to explain what baby Thad's heartbeat sounded like.