It is official. We are no longer Grahamites. The Lord moved so quickly that I don't think we truly had time to process how soverign and providental He is. The Sunday that we moved is when it finally hit me... we really are leaving Graham. It is hard for my mind to fathom how big our God is when I take a step back and look at the big picture. The Lord knew that I tend to worry, so He sold our home in 1 1/2 hours. My next thought was that it was obviously too late for me to find a job, a sure sign that we were not suppossed to move(I have been teaching 4th grade at Hirsch Elementary for a couple of weeks). Things just seemed to fall into place in a way that no one could explain. Throughout this hard process, God has been providential in showing us where exactly He has us. We are excited to be where the Lord has us, but it is still hard. It was hard leaving best friends, people that were our second families, and especially the precious youth. With the feelings of sad, lonliness, and excitement inside of you, there really is nothing you can do but cry. So I have. lots. We will miss you all tons and are thankful to all of you for sharing your lives with us.